In 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) published a report called “Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials.”. It shows that acupuncture has been proven, through controlled trials, to be an effective treatment for more than one hundred conditions.
Here are just a few of those conditions:
At Family Tree Acupuncture, our mission is to assist patients in restoring their health back to their body’s normal specifications, using safety acupuncture along with effective herbal medicine treatments. When you visit our acupuncture clinic, you are sure to walk out in good health and able to enjoy and appreciate your life that much more!
Our medical acupuncture has a wide range of applications to treat any pains or body irritants. Within a few treatments, you will find that your body is relieved from hot flashes and irritability. If you have lived with insomnia, acupuncture will help you finally get some rest. Similarly, acupuncture can help alleviate a variety of disorders such as anxiety, starting from your first session. Even allergies can be effectively treated with acupuncture treatments! People experiencing fertility problems can successfully be treated with these techniques to heighten the chances of fertility. Whatever mental or physical pains you may be suffering from, look to our wellness treatment for a drug free solution. We also offer acupuncture for digestive disorders, cupping services, and much more.
If you are looking for professional acupuncture in Minneapolis, MN, contact Family Tree Acupuncture today!
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